R2SRoad 2 Shine - Project Road To Shine Hiroshima - Talangana


The Future of Healthcare

How can we promote preventative health care?


Project Road To Shine

Overnight, COVID-19’s impact has altered our awareness towards health. DSI and Aashray together identified a fundamental shift in the future of healthcare: a growing need to enable preventative care before treatment. By exchanging attitudes towards health in Japan and in India, DSI and Aashray re-examined ways in which technology can shape and promote preventative health care within our everyday lives. Specifically, they explored how technology can motivate and empower individuals to track, monitor, and gain agency over their health.


Motivation through Group Encouragement


DSI and Aashray found that chronic diseases such as obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes are a growing health concern both in Japan and in India. Such chronic illnesses are preventable to an extent if one maintains healthy habits; in fact, prevention through healthy habits may be more manageable than treating a chronic disease once developed. Therefore, regular exercise may be crucial in preventing chronic diseases; yet, DSI and Aashray realized that for those who do not already have the habit, daily exercise is difficult to start and maintain. Aashray shared insights from his personal fitness journey, while DSI team members recognized how important collective goals are in maintaining motivation. Together, they brainstormed how psychological variables, AI systems, and data-tracking technologies that can motivate individuals and communities to remain active.


DSI and Aashray ultimately designed product ideas separately that were better suited for their respective markets. Aashray was impressed by Japan’s attitude towards health consciousness, including the mandatory yearly health check-ups, and chose to promote health awareness in India through a fitness application. The app aims to motivate users to exercise regularly by: 1) visualizing data tracked from smart phones (heartbeat, steps, etc.) and 2) simulating potential body transformations. Meanwhile, though health consciousness is already high in Japan, many struggle to continue regular fitness activities alone. DSI ideated a different mobile application that shares progress amongst family members to keep each other accountable in achieving specific fitness goals. While gaining cross-cultural insights, DSI and Aashray successfully localized product ideas to leave a larger impact on each market.

DSIとアシュレイはインドと日本、それぞれの市場に適したアプリケーションのアイディアを最終発表で発表しました。日本では毎年健康診断が行われていること知ったアシュレイは日本の健康意識の高さに感銘を受け、フィットネスアプリを通じてインド人の健康意識を高めるアプリを開発しました。スマートフォンで計測した心拍数、歩数などのデータを視覚化し 、身体の変化をシミュレーションすることでユーザーは定期的に運動のモチベーションを高めることができます。 一方日本は全体的に健康意識が高いにもかかわらず、運動を習慣化できていない人が多くいます。DSIは日本人特有の集団意識に着目し、家族間で進捗共有をすることで目標達成を目指すアプリを考案しました。共通のインサイトを得つつも、最後はアイディアをローカライズするプロセスを踏むことで、それぞれの社会にインパクトを与えうるアイディアに着地しました。

Message from DSI


When Aashray introduced us to Indian products and services, we thought they were very advanced. Through this collaboration, I realized that India is indeed a powerhouse for digital transformation. Since our team was composed of engineers, the ideation process was a little bit challenging at first, but through productive discussions that highlighted the similarities between Japan and India, we were able to come up with some good insights. When we were actually coming up with product ideas, we effectively recognized the cultural differences between Japan and India and decided to offer two different services. Working with people with varied backgrounds and perspectives helped us develop completely new ideas.


Digital Solutions Inc.


Digital Solutions Inc. develops softwares that AI-driven simulation and analysis. They specialize in the automotive and industrial sector. With a branch office in Kerala, India, DSI leads the market in Japan, India, and beyond.

解析シミュレーションを軸に自社パッケージソフトの開発や受託解析などを行う。インド ケララ州の子会社より多数のインド人エンジニアも在籍。自動車・産業設備に大きな強みを持っており、大手自動車メーカーと直接取引を行うなど信頼を積み上げてきた。

Team Members

    Ranjith Nair


    Siva Kumar


    Takuro Okamura

    岡村 拓郎

Message from Aashray


The R2S workshop has completely changed my mind on how to solve a problem - now I understand that user satisfaction is a priority above all. I was also very lucky to have collaborated with Siva-san, Ranjith-san and Okamura-san as they have helped me understand the difference between Indian and Japanese culture. It was interesting to know about services in Japan and I would like to experience and directly converse with Japanese users to deepen my understanding of the market. It’s difficult for young innovative minds in India to come up with disruptive ideas unless projects like Road To Shine keep the hope awake to allow these young minds to shine!

Road To Shineワークショップに参加して、課題解決に対する考え方が大きく変わりました。プログラムが終了した今では、ユーザーが何よりも重要であるということを実感しています。またDSIチームのシバさん、ランジットゥさん、岡村さんとコラボレーションできたことはとても幸せなことでした。彼らのおかげでインドと日本の文化の違いを理解することができ、日本のサービスを知ることができたのも興味深かったです。日本の市場に対する理解を深めるために、日本の生活を体験したり、ユーザーと直接話してみたいと思いました。高い志を持っていたとしてもインドの若者が自力でイノベーションアイディアを生み出すのは難しいことです。Road To Shine のようなプロジェクトが、若者たちの野心的な気持ちを輝かせ続けるきっかけになることを願っています。



Aashray is a fourth-year computer science engineering student at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad. Whether it’s through designing drone sanitizers or rapid diagnostic vests, Aashray proactively uses his engineering skills to drive change in his community.


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02The Future of Healthcare

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