R2SRoad 2 Shine - Project Road To Shine Hiroshima - Talangana

Program Archive

Road To Shine 2020

Road To Shine is a global innovation program that bridges India’s young, bright engineering talent with leading Hiroshima industries. Together, they design the future by building innovative products and services. This year, though the program was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Indian engineers and Hiroshima industries successfully exchanged skill sets and cross-cultural insights. Three teams provided meaningful solutions and drove innovation across Japan and India.

Road To Shineはインドの若き優秀なエンジニアと広島県企業が繋がり、互いのスキル、視点、文化を交換し合いながら革新的なプロダクトやサービスを共創するグローバル・イノベーションプログラムです。COVID-19の影響で、2020年度のプログラムはすべてオンラインでの実施となりましたが、3つのチームから社会にインパクトを与えるソリューションやアイディアが生まれました。

Application website 2020

Project Road To Shine

Phase 1

Human Centered Innovation Program in Telangana

人間中心設計イノベーションプログラム in テランガナ

In phase 1 of the program, 20 engineers in Telangana state learned how to employ a human-centered approach when coming up with new products and services. Through a series of workshops and mentoring sessions, they learnt to design technologies that put people first and bring new values to socialy.




Over the course of two months, four workshops were held to guide the 20 engineers on how to design solutions and systems from a human-centered perspective. For this year’s theme, “The future city you want to create,” participants envisioned their ideal future society and prototyped innovative products and services to realize their vision. Throughout the process, they defined a specific user, conducted user research, gathered insights, and iterated to ensure that the ideas they designed would be meaningful for the people they designed for.




Participants received 1-on-1 mentorship from leading Japanese and Indian experts with experiences across design, technology, industrial engineering, and more. The mentorship sessions held in between workshops gave innovators the opportunity to apply their newly gained human-centered design skills to their own ideas. Mentors graciously offered their time and expertise to guide through participants with turning their ideas into innovative, viable solutions.


Final Presentation at T-Hub


8 teams from the program showcased the fruits of their journey by presenting their ideas, process, and insights at T-Hub. They introduced a variety of meaningful ideas that effectively utilized technology to drive social and societal change in India. Topics explored include: mental health care for youth, e-gadgets recycling, AI for retail, and more. Three teams were selected to collaborate with Hiroshima industries. Many teams continue to engineer innovative solutions for India even after the final presentation, as some have taken their ideas to launch new businesses.

選抜された8チームがインド最大級のインキュベーション施設 T-Hubにてアイディアとプロトタイプの発表を行いました。インドで活躍するゲストやメンターも同席した発表会では、若者のメンタルヘルスケア支援、電子機器のリサイクル、小売業のためのAI活用など多岐に渡るテーマが集まり、その中でも優れていた3チームがファイナリストとして選出されました。プログラム終了後も発表したアイディアの実現を目指して多くの参加者が開発を継続しています。

Phase 2

Collaborative Innovation Program in Hiroshima

コラボレーションイノベーションプログラム in 広島

In Phase 2 of the program, three top engineering teams were invited to pair up with three Hiroshima industries. They prototyped ideas that drive the future of healthcare, last one-mile delivery, and employment for minorities. The insightful discussions led to unique, human-centered ideas that effectively utilized advanced technologies, inspiring change in the way Hiroshima companies collaborate globally to drive digital transformation. Most teams have continued their partnership beyond this program to develop their ideas into viable products and services.


01The Future of Last One-Mile Delivery

How can we drive the future of one-last mile delivery through packaging?


With the rapid surge of e-commerce services, the significance of last-one mile delivery is exponentially growing. Together, Miyajima and Venkat prototyped interventions to elevate the experiences of those essential to the industry: last-one mile delivery workers.


02The Future of Healthcare

How can we promote preventative health care?


Overnight, COVID-19’s impact has altered our awareness towards health. Digital Solutions Inc.(DSI) and Aashray together identified a fundamental shift in the future of healthcare: a growing need to enable preventative care before treatment.


03The Future of Employment for Minorities

How can we empower minorities through employment?


As the world economy stumbles with the novel coronavirus, the job market is ever-more competitive, particularly for minorities. Treasure Hunt and Annokriya explored how modern technology can build more inclusive and resilient job markets.



Karthi Subbaraman


Rajat Ojha


Srikanth Peddibhotla

HAPPICITIES LAB | Founder & Chief Architect

Vivek Padmaji


Chiho Sasaki

infield design inc. | CEO

Hideki Segawa


Shintaro Shitanaka

Sigma Corporation | Former Director of Strategic Planning

Naho Shigeta

InfoBridge | Founder & CEO

Fumiko Ichikawa

RE:PUBLIC | Founder & Managing Director